About the Team

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Strider74205 - Webmaster, Mapper, Man's Man, etc...

I am 19, a Journalism student at Colorado State University, and have been a Tolkien fan since I was 6.  I have read The Trilogy and The Hobbit hundreds of times over the years and have recently read the Silmarillion several times.  I'm a huge fan of the movies, dispite some of the changes (most of them I don't mind).  I am the Webmaster, and I will be making maps as well as doing work on the faction banners and other peripheral stuff.


  Avarin - Unit Graphic Artist
I am an analytical chemist, 31. I have degrees in physics and mathematics. Have several unpatented inventions in progress. I hide from humans when I'm in the woods and still like to climb trees! Been escaping to J. R. R. Tolkien's world for about 20 years. Helping to make this mod is the most important thing for me.

Monk - Info Guru

My name is David and I am 19. I am from ohio USA and since I was around 10 I have loved Tolkien. I have read through the Hobbit, the Silmarillion, and the Lord of the Rings many times. I have also gone through the Unfinished tales, the Shaping of Middle Earth, and the Peoples of Middle earth more than once. I was always interested in the First Age and so I researched it till there was nothing left to learn, and due to that my knowledge of Beleriand and it's realms are extensive.

Gothic War Monkey - Unit Descriptions

I'm 16, studying Philosophy, History, Biology and Geography for A-level in Cumbria, England. I discovered Tolkien a few years ago when I heard there was going to be a film made. Since then I have read The Hobbit/ LotR/ Silmarillion/ Unfinished Tales etc. several times. I will be doing some unit descriptions and maps for this mod. I think that the Silmarillion is a great mod subject because of the dedication and love so many people feel for the subject (most cases in a non sexual way). Apart from that you guys will have to judge me by my razor sharp wit and unassailable intellect on the forums.


Conralius - Unit Descriptions

Conralius' info here